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Hidden Parts

Part: WR-L24 Mission: Eliminate Strikers
Requester: Chrome At the beginning of the mission, turn around 180 degrees and jump forward. The Rocket Launcher is behind the center section.
Part: Head X1487 Mission: Guard Freight Train
Requester: Murakumo Millennium The head is hidden one of the gray boxes near the beginning of the mission area. It has radar and biosensor functions, and if you decide to get a better head, you can sell it for a decent price.
Part: GBG-XR Mission: Destroy "Plus" Escapee
Requester: Murakumo Millenium The generator is hidden on one of the catwalks of the building that you start out on. Jump backwards and land on the third catwalk from the top.The part is found off to the right.
Part:WX-S800-GF Mission: Retake Air Cleaners
Requester: Murakumo Millennium Once you get into the main area, look up to find two grates on the ceiling. The dual missile launcher is hidden inside one of the grates.
Part: LS-99 MOONLIGHT Mission: Kill "Struggle" Leader
Requester: Chrome The laserblade is hidden in a deep tunnel that is tough to get out of if you aren't good with your boosters. The sword is at the bottom of the trench.
Part: WG-FG99 Mission: Destroy Intruders
Requester: EERC Hidden underneath one of the doorways under second catwalk. Use boosters from third catwalk to reach the small indent in wall. Note: The cleft is very hard to see on the map, if you can see it at all. It is not one of the obvious hollows.
Part: RZT-333 Mission: Guard Wharf Warehouse
Requester: Murakumo Millennium Instead of guarding the radar in this mission, steal it yourself. You'll fail but you get a new radar (and if you sell it, you'll get more than they were paying you to guard it anyway.)
Part: WG-1-KARASAWA Mission: Destroy Fuel Depot
Requester: Murakumo Millenium The Laser Rifle is hidden in the second room, on the far ledge, behind several fuel canisters.
Part: QX-AF Mission: Destroy the Queen
Requester: Gal City Guard FCS is found on the floor in the queen's lair.
Part: B-T001 Mission: Guard Entrance to Secret Factory
Requester: Chrome The booster is found next to a small box on the far NE corner of the mission area.
Part: WM-S60/4 Mission: Attack the Secret Factory
Requester: Murakumo Millenium Back weapon is found in the SW corner of the mission area near a small box.